When You Need More than a Para Ordnance Frame for Sale, Sarco, Inc. Is the Answe
In the event you have stumbled across this article and have never heard of the term Para Ordnance before, that wouldn’t be entirely too bizarre. It might also mean you’re looking for information on Para Ordnance instead of a Para Ordnance frame for sale . Here’s something you have heard of before - the 1911 or the M1911, known widely by the popularity and huge number of variants it has spawned. The original 1911 and all of the offshoots that have come about as a result of it, is a basic model that is one of the most popular handgun platforms ever designed. The original M1911 was developed over a hundred years ago to replace the aging double-action .38 caliber revolvers that U.S. troops were using at the turn of the last century. The new M1911 not only had a better capacity and was capable of a high rate of fire, it was chambered in a cartridge that has become as famous today as the 1911 is: the .45 ACP cartridge, which represented a significant improvement over the ...