What You Need to Be Aware of Before You Buy a Pistol Frame
Looking for a new pistol frame , whether you are interested in one because you want to make an upgrade to a current handgun or because you want to create a new one from scratch, can be a very involved process. Frames are not simply “accessories” in the same sense of the word that some other gun accessories are, and you need to take very special care when searching for or purchasing them. There are a couple important reasons for this for which you need to be aware. One is that not all pistol frames are compatible with handguns from the same line, even if advertised by the same name. The perennial favorite M1911, for example, one of the most popular handguns in the world and one that has inspired countless imitations, does not take one single frame. There are several M1911 variants, and a “1911 pistol frame” is not a catch-all term. You need to be certain that the frame itself is 100% compatible with the handgun you currently own, especially if you intend to bre...